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Research using SSA Technology

Our Profiler Plus text analysis software has been used to answer questions in a variety of academic and government settings. In many cases, articles have been presented and published based on the findings. Research that we know used our technology is listed below. If you come across other work that used Profiler Plus or Worldview, please submit the publication for the list below.

Keir Starmer – a new chapter in UK foreign policy?
  • Consuelo Thiers
  • LSE British Politics and Policy blog
Vladimir Putin's Leadership Traits over 11 Years: A Longitudinal Study of Putin's Third Term in Office Using Leadership Trait Analysis
  • Payton J. Casteel
  • Casteel, Payton J., "Vladimir Putin’s Leadership Traits over 11 Years: A Longitudinal Study of Putin’s Third Term in Office Using Leadership Trait Analysis" (2024). Undergraduate Theses, Capstones, and Recitals. 23.
Xi Jinping’s Motivations and Intent: A Longitudinal Analysis of Chinese Strategic Culture, Strategic Identity Narratives and Operational Code
  • James J. Rooney, Jr.
  • A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of American Public University System In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Strategic Intelligence May 2024
Individuals in Securitization: Explaining US Presidents’ Choice to (De)Securitize North Korea
  • Alexander Schotthöfer
  • Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 20, Issue 3, July 2024, orae011, Published: 16 May 2024
Leadership style and foreign policy: The role of Vladimir Putin’s dual-framing style in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine
  • Rinata Terkulova
  • Terkulova, Rinata. "Leadership style and foreign policy." Psychotherapy & Politics International 21, no. 3 & 4 (2023): 1-19.
Milei’s Leadership Examined: Forecasting Potential Shifts in Argentina’s Foreign Policy
  • Consuelo Thiers
  • Thiers, Consuelo. Milei’s Leadership Examined: Forecasting Potential Shifts in Argentina’s Foreign Policy. Global Americans. December 26, 2023.
Foreign Policy Change Under Authoritarian Leaders: Analysis of Uzbekistan’s Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era
  • Feruza Madaminova
  • Madaminova, F. (2023). Foreign Policy Change Under Authoritarian Leaders: Analysis of Uzbekistan’s Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era. Politologija, 111(3), 113-162. ISSN 1392-1681 eISSN 2424-6034 DOI:
Interactive Leader Psychology and the Ebb and Flow of Interstate Rivalry
  • Dennis M. Foster and Jonathon W. Keller
  • Dennis M Foster, Jonathan W Keller, Interactive Leader Psychology and the Ebb and Flow of Interstate Rivalry, International Studies Quarterly, Volume 67, Issue 4, December 2023, sqad076,
Presidential Personality and Foreign Policy Decision-Making: The Sunshine Policy under Kim Dae-jung (1998–2003)
  • Shin Yon Kim
  • Pacific Affairs, Volume 96, Number 3, September 2023, pp. 493-530(38)
The Operational Codes of Pacific Island Countries’ Leaders: Beliefs about the World amidst Climate Change
  • Baris Kesgin
  • Baris Kesgin, The Operational Codes of Pacific Island Countries’ Leaders: Beliefs about the World amidst Climate Change, Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 19, Issue 4, October 2023, orad019,
Influence of leaders' personalities on foreign policy decision making: the case of Kenya–international criminal court relations between 2013 and 2017
  • Silvester Douglas Agola
  • Fidaa Jabbouri
  • THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP IN FUELING ETHNIC DIVISIONS: THE CASE OF IRAQ By FIDAA JABBOURI A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY School of Politics, Philosophy, & Public Affairs JULY 2023 © Copyright by FIDAA JABBOURI, 2023 All Rights Reserved
Slava Ukraini: A Psychobiographical Case Study of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Public Diplomacy Discourse
  • Amber Brittain-Hale
  • A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Global Leadership and Change Pepperdine University?ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, ?2023.?30487971.
Strategische politische Kommunikation und ihre Resonanz in der Parteienpräferenz
  • Frank G. Dutine
  • Master-Thesis, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management
Theresa May and Brexit: leadership style and performance
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • Dyson, S.B. Theresa May and Brexit: leadership style and performance. Br Polit (2023).
Britain’s COVID-19 battle: The role of political leaders in shaping the responses to the pandemic
  • Consuelo Thiers, Leslie Wehner
  • British Journal of Politics and International Relations Publication status: Acceptance date - 31 Jan 2023
Operational Code Analysis of Benyamin Netanyahu in Foreign Policy
  • Javad Arabameri, Mohsen Eslami, Masoud Mousavi Shafaee, Mohammad Hossein Jamshidi 
  • Iranian Research Letter of International Politics, 12,1
Leaders' reactions to exogenous political shocks: an analysis of Necmettin Erbakan's & Recep Tayyip Erdogan's leadership traits and styles
  • Ph.D. Dissertation. The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University Ankara February 2023 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
Integrating Strategic Culture and the Operational Code in Foreign Policy Analysis
  • Joakim Eidenfalk and Fredrik Doeser
  • Joakim Eidenfalk , Fredrik Doeser, Integrating Strategic Culture and the Operational Code in Foreign Policy Analysis, Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2023, orac032,
Blinded War? Assessing the Relationship Between Grand Strategy and Intervention in France during the 2013 Malian Crisis
  • Joseph Berthomiere-Miret
  • Berthomiere-Miret, Joseph. Blinded War? Assessing the Relationship Between Grand Strategy and Intervention in France during the 2013 Malian Crisis. Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication, Université catholique de Louvain, 2023. Prom. : Tanguy de Wilde d'Estmael.
Personality and US Presidential Choices: A Study of the Protracted Afghanistan War
  • Yifang Sun
  • Thesis present in partial fulfillment for The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Social and Political Science The University of Edinburgh
A Grasp for Global Dominance? Analyzing Russian Leaderships' Impact on Russia's National Role Conception
  • Colin Edward Czubaruk
  • Czubaruk, Colin Edward, "A Grasp for Global Dominance? Analyzing Russian Leaderships' Impact on Russia's National Role Conception" (2023). Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 10665.
Understanding Continuity and Change in US Counterterrorism Policy: from Bush to Obama
  • Eva Mowat
  • International Relations, Study Guides / By University Tutors
What an analysis of Sunak’s personality could mean for UK policy
  • Consuelo Thiers, Juliet Kaarbo and Ryan Beasley
  • LSE British Politics and Policy November 14th, 2022
The Impact of a Cognitive System of Political Elites on Israeli Foreign Policy: The Case of Benyamin Netanyahu
  • Javad Arabameri, Mohsen Eslami, Seyed Masoud Mousavi Shafee, & Mohammad Hossein Jamshidi
  • Arabameri, J., Eslami, M., Mousavi Shafaee, S. M., Jamshidi, M. H. (2022), “The Impact of a Cognitive System of Political Elites on Israeli Foreign Policy: The Case of Benyamin Netanyahu”, Quarterly of Political Strategic Studies, 11(42), 147-180. doi: 10.22054/QPSS.2021.61786.2871
Dueling Personalities and Leadership Styles: Gül, Erdogan, and the Parliament in Turkey’s Policymaking during the 2003 Iraq War
  • Baris Kesgin
  • Baris Kesgin (2022) Dueling Personalities and Leadership Styles: Gül, Erdogan, and the Parliament in Turkey’s Policymaking during the 2003 Iraq War. Teoria Polityki, Nr 6/2022, s. 169-191. DOI: 10.4467/25440845TP.22.009.16021
We Were Taken on the Ride. Leadership Traits Analysis in the Circumstances of International Crisis – the Decision of Aleksander Kwasniewski in the Context of Intervention in Iraq
  • Anna Uminska-Woroniecka
  • Anna Uminska-Woroniecka (2022) We Were Taken on the Ride. Leadership Traits Analysis in the Circumstances of International Crisis – the Decision of Aleksander Kwasniewski in the Context of Intervention in Iraq. Teoria Polityki, Nr 6/2022, s. 215-235 DOI: 10.4467/25440845TP.22.007.16007
Profiling the personality of populist foreign policy makers: a leadership trait analysis
  • Stephan Fouquet & Klaus Brummer
  • Fouquet, S., Brummer, K. Profiling the personality of populist foreign policy makers: a leadership trait analysis. J Int Relat Dev (2022).
Profiling the President: explaining Donald Trump's nationalistic foreign policy decisions using Leadership Trait Analysis and Operational Code Analysis
  • Abigail White
  • White, A. (2022). Profiling the President: explaining Donald Trump’s nationalistic foreign policy decisions using Leadership Trait Analysis and Operational Code Analysis. Contemporary Voices: St Andrews Journal of International Relations, 1(1).
  • Paul Niklas Tiegel
  • Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda & Security Studies . 2022, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p66-78. 13p.
David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett as founders of Israeli strategic culture: an operational code approach
  • Ahmet Ergurum
  • A Master's Thesis In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome: A Leadership Trait Analysis of Bashar Al-Assad
  • Joshua Lehmann
  • E-International Relations
  • Ian Fitzgerald
  • Doctoral Thesis (Political Science and Policy Studies) University of Canberra
Indicators and Warnings of Russian Military Offensives
  • Evan Z Essex
  • A Thesis Submitted to the University at Albany, State University of New York In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity Spring 2022
Politicians as Cooperative Strategists: Former Politicians' Personality as a Driver of Board Appointments
  • Fernández Méndez, Laura; García Canal, Esteban; García García, Raquel; Martínez de Ibarreta Zorita, Carlos
President Uhuru Kenyatta’s personality and the strained Kenya – International Criminal Court Relation between 2013 and 2017
  • Agola S.D., Owiso M.O., and Lumwamu P.
  • Maseno University Journal, 2022(1)7-21.
Cybersecurity Risk in U.S. Critical Infrastructure: An Analysis of Publicly Available U.S. Government Alerts and Advisories
  • Zachery Lanz
  • International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence & Cybercrime: 5(1), 43-70. Available at:
Personalizing the presidency: Dilma Rousseff and a study of leadership personalities in Brazilian foreign policy
  • Tamiris Burin and Pedro Feliú Ribeiro
  • Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 64, 1: 2021
Is He Speaking Our Language? Donald Trump's Leadership Traits in Comparison with Previous Presidents
  • Susan H. Allen & Maryann E. Gallagher
  • Allen, S. H., & Gallagher, M. E. (2022). Is He Speaking Our Language? Donald Trump's Leadership Traits in Comparison with Previous Presidents. Political Science Quarterly, 137(3), 539-568.
Conflict is What Leaders Make of It
  • Tilly Sünkel
  • Master Thesis Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Department for Social and Political Sciences Master's Programme Political Science: European and International Studies
Exogenous Dynamics and Leadership Traits: A Study of Change in the Personality Traits of Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • Ali Balci and Ibrahim Efe
  • Balci, A., & Ibrahim, E. F. E. (2021). Exogenous Dynamics and Leadership Traits: A Study of Change in the Personality Traits of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. All Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace, 10(2), 149-164.
Effects of economic sanctions on political beliefs of the targeted countries’ leaders
  • Shahin, Evgeniia
  • In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations, the Department of International Relations Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University Ankara, September 2021
Le Code Opérationnel : La transition unilatéraliste à multilatéraliste dans la politique étrangère de Bush et d'Obama
  • Reane Lalancette
  • Mémoire présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en science politique Université de Montréal Août 2021
Understanding the Role of Leadership Styles of Erdogan and Merkel in Sustainability of Turkey-European Union Relations: A Leadership Trait Analysis
  • Erdi Kutlu, Ça ?gda ¸s Cengiz, Murat Necip Arman and Emir Ozeren
  • Kutlu, E.; Cengiz, Ç.;Arman, M.N.; Ozeren, E. Understanding the Role of Leadership Styles of Erdogan and Merkel in Sustainability of Turkey-European Union Relations: A Leadership Trait Analysis. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9258.
Psychological Characteristics of Leaders (PsyCL)
  • Joshua E. Lambert
  • LTA and OCA data set. Schafer, Mark, Stephen G. Walker, Clayton Besaw, Paul Gill, and Gary Smith. (2021.) The Personality Traits & Operational Codes of U.S. Presidents: Introducing a New Data Set. In Operational Code Analysis and Foreign Policy Roles: Crossing Simon’s Bridge, eds. Mark Schafer and Stephen G. Walker. New York: Routledge. Schafer, Mark, Joshua Lambert, and Collin Kazazis. (2021.) Presidential Personalities and Operational Codes: Learning Effects and Midterm Congressional
Die Nonproliferationspolitik der Administration Trump zwischen Entspannung und Eskalation
  • Christian Schwaderer
  • Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck UC 066 824 Masterstudium Politikwissenschaft: Europäische und Internationale Politik
Operational Code Analysis and Foreign Policy Roles
  • Mark Schafer & Stephen G. Walker Eds.
  • ISBN 9780367650902 Published March 23, 2021 by Routledge 410 Pages 126 B/W Illustrations
Predictably unpredictable: Trump’s personality and approach towards China
  • Oliver Turner & Juliet Kaarbo
  • Turner, O & Kaarbo, J 2021, 'Predictably unpredictable: Trump’s personality and approach towards China', Cambridge Review of International Affairs.
Trauma and belief systems; an operational code analysis of Dutch Prime Minister Rutte and the downing of flight MH17
  • Niels van Willigen & Femke E. Bakker
  • Willigen Nv, Bakker FE. Trauma and belief systems; an operational code analysis of Dutch Prime Minister Rutte and the downing of flight MH17.Risks Hazards Crisis Public Policy. 2021;1–19
President Trump’s Operational Code: A Political Psychological Approach to Foreign Policy Decision-Making
  • Louise Thomasson
  • Lunds universitet FKVK02 Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2020 Freds- och konfliktvetenskap Handledare: Roxanna Sjöstedt
(K)eine Frage des Führungsstils. Die Vereinigten Staaten und das iranische Atomabkommen unter Präsident Barack Obama und Präsident Donald J. Trump
  • Philipp Söker
  • Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 28(1): 67–99
A Strongman at Home Is a Strongman Abroad? Investigating Operational Codes of Aliaksandr Lukašenka and Donald Trump
  • Azarkevich Yahor
  • Magister (MA) Thesis Supervised by Dr. hab. Jacek Kolodziej and Mr. Eoin Micheál McNamar University of Glasgow / International Master (IntM) in Central and East Eu- ropean, Russian and Eurasian Studies University of Tartu / Master of Arts in Social Sciences (MA) in Central and East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies Jagiellonian University / Magister (mgr) of European Studies (Central and East European, Russian and Eurasian Studies)
Assessing leadership traits and the JLP win
  • Christopher Charles and Dalkeith Dempster
  • The Gleaner, Jamaica/West Indies Wednesday | September 9, 2020 | 12:06 AM
Influence of leaders' personalities on foreign policy decision making: the case of Kenya–international criminal court relations between 2013 and 2017
  • Agola Silvester Douglas
Cute Panda or Evil Dragon? Market Economy, Conflict Behavior and China's Peaceful Rise
  • Xiongwei Cao
  • A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Politics, Security and International Affairs in the College of Sciences at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
What kind of political leader is Kamala Harris?
  • Philipp Söker
  • International Politics and Society 17.08.2020
‘We can do this!’ - or Can we? : Stability and Change in the beliefs of European political leaders throughout the Refugee Crisis
  • Ana Carolina Campera de Rezende Soares
  • Research Masters in Public Administration and Organizational Science Utrecht School of Governance Utrecht University Utrecht, July 2020 Supervisors: Dr. Femke van Esch, Dr. Karin Geuijen
Entscheidungsträger in der deutschen Außenpolitik Führungseigenschaften und politische Überzeugungen der Bundeskanzler und Außenminister
  • Christian Rabini, Katharina Dimmroth, Klaus Brummer, Mischa Hansel
  • 1. Edition 2020, ISBN print: 978-3-8487-6784-7, ISBN online: 978-3-7489-0888-3, Nomos, Baden-Baden Chancellors and foreign ministers have had a formative influence on German foreign policy. Adenauer’s ‘policy of Western integration’ or Brandt’s ‘new Eastern policy’ are cases in point. This volume discusses which leadership traits and political beliefs have guided the actions of German decision makers from 1949 until today.
  • Sercan Canbolat
  • APSA MENA Politics Section: MENA Politics Newsletter | Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring2020
The VICS Test: Does Operational Code Analysis Falter for The Populist Right?
  • David Leonardo Luengas
  • A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY May 2020
Een aanslag op overtuigingen; het effect van de 1984 Brighton bomaanslag op de Operational Code van Margaret Thatcher
  • Thijs Tas
  • BA Thesis Political Psychology in International Relations Begeleider: Dr. Niels van Willigen Tweede lezer: Prof. dr. Petr Kopecký Leiden University
Profiling foreign policy leaders in their own language: New insights into the stability and formation of leadership traits
  • C Rabini, K Brummer, K Dimmroth, M Hansel
  • The British Journal of Politics and International Relations First Published March 9, 2020
  • James M. Hinton
  • An Independent Study Thesissubmitted to the Department of Political Scienceat The College of WoosterMarch 2020in partial fulfillment of the requirement of I.S. Thesis
Coding in Tongues: Developing Non-English Coding Schemes for Leadership Profiling
  • Klaus Brummer, Michael D Young, Özgur Özdamar, Sercan Canbolat, Consuelo Thiers, Christian Rabini, Katharina Dimmroth, Mischa Hansel, Ameneh Mehvar
  • International Studies Review
Turkish leaders and their foreign policy decision-making style: a comparative and multi-method perspective
  • Esra Cuhadar, Julie Kaarbo, Baris Kesgin, Binnur Ozkececi-Taner
  • Turkish Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2020.1724511
La política exterior de Brasil en el gobierno de Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016): continuidad con reducción progresiva del activismo
  • Walter Antonio Desiderá Neto
  • UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS POLÍTICAS Y SOCIOLOGÍA TESIS DOCTORAL La política exterior de Brasil en el gobierno de Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016): continuidad con reducción progresiva del activismo MEMORIA PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE DOCTOR PRESENTADA POR Walter Antonio Desiderá Neto Directora Paloma González Gómez del Miño Madrid
Evo Morales and the Chilean-Bolivian Rivalry: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
  • Consuelo Thiers
  • **UNEDITED VERSION. FINAL VERSION AVAILABLE IN BOOK** Chapter 7 Evo Morales and the Chilean-Bolivian Rivalry: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
I Too Am a Human’: The Political Psychology of Pakistan’s Former President General Pervez Musharraf
  • Ross F. Conley
  • South Asian Survey, 26(2), 93–116.
Material bias in LTA:An analysis of variation in assessed personality trait scores between thespontaneous and prepared material of political leaders
  • Ferdinand Pieter van Ingen
  • BAP Political Leaders in International Relations 17-06-2019 Thesis final draft Supervisor: Dr. Femke Bakker Second reader: Prof. dr. Petr Kopecký
Features of foreign policy birds: Israeli prime ministers as hawks and doves
  • B Kesgin
  • Cooperation and Conflict.
European populist radical right leaders' foreign policy beliefs: An operational code analysis
  • Ö Özdamar, E Ceydilek
  • European Journal of International Relations.
Turkey’s Erdogan: leadership style and foreign policy audiences
  • Baris Kesgin
  • Turkey’s Erdogan: leadership style and foreign policy audiences, Turkish Studies, 21:1, 56-82, DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2019.1575735
Uncharacteristic foreign policy behavior: Sharon’s decision to withdraw from Gaza
  • Baris Kesgin
  • International Area Studies Review
The Code of the Hourglass: an Operational Code Analysis of the Anti-Homophobic Textual Production in the Serbian Opposition Portal Pescanik in Relation to Gay Pride Parades
  • Srdan Jovanovic
  • New Balkan Politics, NO. 18, 2019
An Operational Code Analysis of China’s National Defense White Papers: 1998-2015
  • Yi Edward Yang, Jonathan W. Keller, and Joseph Molnar
  • Journal of Chinese Political Science December 2018, Volume 23, Issue 4, pp 585–602
Leader Psychology and Civil War Behavior
  • Gary Smith
  • Smith, Gary, "Leader Psychology and Civil War Behavior" (2018).Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 6180.
Use of linguistic markers in the identification and analysis of chief executives' hubris.
  • Vita Akstinaite
  • Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Surrey Business School Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesUniversity of Surrey Supervisors: Prof. Eugene Sadler-Smith, Dr. Graham Robinson
The Operational Code and the instability of belief systems: An analysis on the influence of the Maidan crisis on Putin’s presidency
  • Charlotte Tukker
  • Bachelor’s thesis Bachelor International Relations and Organisations Leiden University Supervisor Dr. F. E. Bakker
Stability and change in the personality of a political leader How the LTA and OCA can complement each other
  • Kim Schuring
  • Bachelor Thesis International Relations and Organizations Project: Political leaders in International Relations Supervisor: F. E. Bakker Leiden University Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Malignant Narcissism, Perception-Adjustment, and The Trait-Behaviour Nexus: Understanding Dictatorial Extremity
  • Clare O’Sullivan
  • Dissertation submitted in part requirement for the Degree of M.A. (Honours with International Relations) at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
The operational code approach to profiling political leaders: understanding Vladimir Putin
  • SB Dyson & MJ Parent
  • Dyson, S. B., & Parent, M. J. (2018). The operational code approach to profiling political leaders: understanding Vladimir Putin. Intelligence and National Security, 33(1), 84-100.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Leadership Style and Sensitivity to Role Change and Traumatic Events
  • Nadine Linders
  • Universitet Leiden, Bachelor Thesis International Relations and Organisations Project: Political Leaders in International Conflicts and Issues Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Nadine Linders S1514350 Supervisor: F. E. Bakker Words: 10830 (including Honours) Date: 12-06-2017
Leadership Trait Assessment Approach Analysis of personality traits of political decision makers at the example of Slobodan Miloševic
  • Saskia Knauft
  • Bachelor Thesis submitted at the department of Political Science Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
How You Like Me Now?
  • Marij Swinkels
  • Public Notes - Editie 3
Understanding New Middle Eastern Leadership: An Operational Code Approach
  • Özgür Özdamar and Sercan Canbolat
  • Political Research Quarterly. First published date: August-13-2017 10.1177/1065912917721744
Essays in Behavioral Strategy: Re-biased Search, Misconceived Complexity, and Cognitive Aliens
  • Aleksey Korniychuk
  • THESE DE DOCTORAT DE L’UNIVERSITE PARIS-SACLAY PREPAREE A “HEC PARIS” Ecole Doctorale n° 578 Sciences de l’homme et de la société (SHS) Spécialité de doctorat : Sciences de gestion
Belief (in)stability and the operational code of Mark Rutte
  • Tom Rigter
Persoon of positie? Over de persoonlijkheid of de institutie als dominante drijfveer van het gedrag van een politiek leider
  • Esmee van Meer
  • Bachelordeel project ‘Politieke Psychologie’ Bachelor Politieke Wetenschappen Begeleider: Prof. Dr. J.J.M. van Holsteijn Leiden, 12 juni 2017 Aantal woorden: 8923 woorden
Mao Zedong And Xi Jinping: A Trait Analysis
  • Dan Douglas
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts School of Public and International Affairs, International and Comparative Politics Graduate Program, Wright State University, 2017.
Profile: King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
  • Christoph Erasmy
  • A top 3 submission for "Understanding Political Leadership", a course at Utrecht University supervised by Lecturer E. M. Swinkels.
Leadership Analysis at a “Great Distance”: Using the Operational Code Construct to Analyse Islamist Leaders
  • Özgür Özdamar
  • Global Society Vol. 31 , Iss. 2,2017
How transitive verbs might reveal individuals ’ personal predispositions: Al Zawahiri case study
  • Dr. Amjed Rasheed
  • White Paper on The Key Role of Human Geography, Culture and Language in Effective Communication A Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) Periodic Publication May 2017
Personality and Brexit: Using leadership traits to predict negotiation dynamics
  • Dr. James Strong and Dr. Victoria Honeyman
  • Paper prepared for presentation at the 67th Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association.
The Association Between Leadership traits Of Political Party leaders and party issue Positions: The case of Turkey 2002-2015
  • Ali Abdelfattah
  • Master's Thesis Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Political Science and Public Administration Political Science
Political Leadership Traits in Peace Processes: Nelson Mandela & Manuel Santos
  • Juliana Tappe Ortiz
  • Bachelor’s Thesis in International Relations, University of Erfurt. 13 January 2017
Religious Influences on Crisis Presidential Decision-Making: A New Belief in the Operational Code Analysis of George W. Bush
  • Daniel K.M. Yamashiro
  • Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard, 2017
Leading to Crisis: Decision-Making in Ireland’s Celtic Tiger
  • Cathal FitzGerald
  • PhD Thesis. Dublin City University, Ireland
Decision-Making In U.S. Foreign Policy Crises: Presidential Leadership And Outcomes
  • Jonathan Keller, Edward Yang and Patrick James
  • Peace Science Society
Role Theory and Role Conflict in US-Iran Relations: Enemies of Our Own Making
  • Akan Malici & Stephen G. Walker
  • Routledge New York NY, October 2016
Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling, and the Great Financial Crisis: Leadership traits and policy responses
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • Dyson, S.B. British Politics (2016). doi:10.1057/s41293-016-0027-3
Operational Code Analysis Of Iran’s Supreme Leadership—Ayatollahs Khomeini And Khamenei
  • Elizabeth Richter
  • In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Department of International Relations Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University. August 2016
The Operational Code of Vladimir Putin in the Ukrainian Crisis in 2014
  • Jyri Joonas Lavikainen
  • University of Helsinki Faculty of Social Sciences Political History Pro gradu-thesis May 2016
Toward an Understanding of Polarizing Leadership: An Operational Code Analysis of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
  • Alexander A. France
  • Submitted to the Honors Tutorial College of Ohio University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Cross-cultural comparison of political leaders' operational codes
  • Ozlem Dirilen-Gumus
  • International Journal of Psychology. Article first published online: 4 MAR 2016 DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12264
'Fiasco prime ministers': leaders' beliefs and personality traits as possible causes for policy fiascos
  • Klaus Brummer
  • Journal of European Public Policy, Published online: 22 Feb 2016
Personality or Role? Comparisons of Turkish Leaders Across Different Institutional Positions
  • Esra Cuhadar, Juliet Kaarbo, Baris Kesgin, and Binnur Ozkececi-Taner
  • Political Psychology (early view online: Article first published online: 16 FEB 2016)
Framing identity in Iran: Culture, conflict and the West
  • Andrea K. Grove
  • International Politics (2015) 52, 549–566. doi:10.1057/ip.2015.25
Comparative Integrative Complexity of Baghdadi & Zawahiri
  • Dr. Jason A. Spitaletta
  • White Paper on SMA Support to SOCCENT: ISIL Influence and Resolve A Strategic Multi-Layer (SMA) Periodic Publication September 2015
Does One Size Fit All? The Relationship Between A Country’s Political Context And Its Rulers.
  • Hanneke Derksen
  • Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science. Syracuse University. August 2015.
Presidential Risk Orientation and Force Employment Decisions The Case of Unmanned Weaponry
  • Julia Macdonald and Jacquelyn Schneider
  • Journal of Conflict Resolution July 15, 2015 0022002715590874
The case that is Bildt: En VICS-odyssé i Carl Bildts Operational Code i kölvattnet till Georgienkriget
  • Richard Forsén
  • Thesis at Lunds universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
The Operational Code of Tony Blair
  • Simbarashe Nhandara
  • Södertörns högskola | Department of Political Science Master‘s Dissertation 30 credits | Master of Science in Political Science: 120 credit Autumn/Spring 2013/2015
How Europe's Political Leaders Made Sense of the Euro Crisis: The Influence of Pressure and Personality
  • Femke van Esch & Marij Swinkels
  • West European Politics, Published online: 12 Feb 2015.
Examining leaders’ orientations to structural constraints: Turkey’s 1991 and 2003 Iraq war decisions
  • Esra Cuhadar, Juliet Kaarbo, Baris Kesgin and Binnur Ozkececi-Taner
  • Journal of International Relations and Development (advance online publication, doi:10.1057/jird.2014.31)
Operational Code And Al-Ikhwan: An Assessment Of The Evolution Of The Muslim Brotherhood’s Operational Code And Possible Public Diplomacy Options For The United States
  • Robert Kevin Thomson
  • Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at El Paso in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. December 2014
A matter of personality? Stability and change in EU leaders' beliefs during the Euro crisis
  • Femke van Esch
  • Making Public Policy Decisions: Expertise, Skills and Experience edited by Damon Alexander, Jenny M. Lewis.
Multi-Method Assessment of ISIL: Comparative Psychological Profiles: Baghdadi & Zawahiri
  • Maj Jason Spitaletta
  • A Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) Periodic Publication This white volume represents the views and opinions of the contributing authors. This report does not represent official US policy or position.
What Makes a Prime Minister Great?: A Leadership Trait Analysis of the effectiveness of British Prime Ministers from 1902 to 2004
  • Samuel R. Rohrer
  • Research & Politics, 2014 1
Bloody Hands and Dangerous Minds: How State Leader Psychology Effects Civil War Lethality
  • Brandon Kelley, M.A. & Paul Vasquez, Ph.D.
  • Prepared for presentation at the 2014 Internat ional Security Studies Section (ISSS) of the International Studies Association and the Inte rnational Security and Arms Control Section (ISAC) of the American Political Science A ssociation ISSS-ISAC Joint Annual Conference on Sunday, November 6, 2014
Leadership Styles of European Commission Presidents
  • Klaus Brummer
  • Zeitschrift für Politik 61(3), 327–345 (in German).
Leadership Distrust, Need For Power, And The Initiation Of Militarized Interstate Disputes
  • Gary Edward Smith
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Political Science in the College of Sciences at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
The Effects Of State Leader Psychology On Civil War Lethality
  • Brandon Thomas Kelley
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Political Science in the College of Sciences at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
Explaining State Crisis Behavior Using The Operational Code
  • William George
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Political Science in the College of Sciences at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
Leadership Trait Analysis and Threat Assessment with Profiler Plus
  • Nick Levine and Michael Young
  • Proceedings of ILC 2014 on 8th International Lisp Conference,Montreal, QC, Canada — August 14 - 17, 2014. Association for Computing Machinery.
Understanding the New Middle Eastern Leaders: An Operational Code Approach
  • Sercan Canbolat
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of International Relations at Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences at Bilkent University Ankara, Turkey
Congruence across Levels of Role-taking in U.S. Foreign Policy
  • Paul A. Kowert & Stephen G. Walker
  • Prepared for presentation at the 37 th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Ergife Place Hotel, Rome, July 4-7, 2014.
The Operational Code of Shen Chui--bian and Ma Ying--jeou: A New Approach in the Analysis of Cross--strait Relations
  • Jörg Thiele
  • The paper was written for the seminar “International Relations in East Asia” at European Consortium for Political Research / Graduate Student Conference / Innsbruck 2014
Debating Their Beliefs To Victory: How The Beliefs Of Presidential Candidates Transform The Rhetoric Used In Presidential Debates
  • Aubrey Marks
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Honors in the Major Program in Political Science in the College of Science and in The Burnett Honors College at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
Deadly Premonition: Does Terrorist - Leader Psychology Influence Violence Lethality?
  • Clayton Thomas Besaw
  • A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Political Science in the College of Sciences at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
Public and private beliefs of political leaders: Saddam Hussein in front of a crowd and behind closed doors
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson and Alexandra L. Raleigh
  • Research and Politics April-June 2014: 1 –7
A multi -disciplinary, multi -method approach to leader assessment at a distance: The case of Bashar al -Assad Part II
  • Dr. Lawrence A. Kuznar, Dr Peter Suedfeld , Maj. Jason Spitaletta , and Mr. Bradford H. Morrison
  • April 2014: Strategic Multilayer Assessment, OSD/ASD(R&E)/RSD/RR, DoD.
A multi -disciplinary, multi -method approach to leader assessment at a distance: The case of Bashar al -Assad Part I
  • Dr. Lawrence A. Kuznar, Dr Peter Suedfeld , Maj. Jason Spitaletta , and Mr. Bradford H. Morrison
  • February 2014: Strategic Multilayer Assessment, OSD/ASD(R&E)/RSD/RR, DoD.
A Man Hears What He Wants to Hear and Disregards the Rest: George W. Bush and Iraqi WMD
  • Wesley Renfro
  • Psicologia Politica 47, 19 - 38.
Líderes Políticos Latinoamericanos: un estudio de la personalidad a distancia
  • M. Consuelo Thiers H.
  • October 2013, Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Estudios Internacionales. Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.
Xi Jinping's Operational Code Beliefs and China's Foreign Policy
  • He Kai and Feng Huiyun
  • The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 6, 2013, 209–231 doi:10.1093/cjip/pot010 Advance Access publication 7 June 2013
Sense making in the Euro crisis A personal approach towards transboundary crisis management
  • Swinkels, E.M.
  • May 2013: Master thesis Utrecht University Governance and Public Policy – Bestuur en Beleid Supervisor: dr. Femke van Esch Second supervisor: dr. Wieger Bakker
Leaders' Cognitive Complexity, Distrust, and the Diversionary Use of Force.
  • Dennis Foster and Jonathan Keller
  • May 2013: Foreign Policy Analysis. Vol. 9. Issue 3.
Leadership Traits of Turkey's Islamist and Secular Prime Ministers
  • Baris Kesgin
  • February 2013: Turkish Studies, 14, 1: 136-157
A Rogue Doctrine?: The Role of Strategic Culture on US Foreign Policy Behavior
  • K. P. O’Reilly
  • Foreign Policy Analysis 01/2013 9(1).
Psychological concomitants and predictors of violence during political upheaval in Zimbabwe: A content analysis study.
  • Stewart, M. R., & Suedfeld, P.
  • November 2012: Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 5(2), 77-95.
Presidential Leadership Style and the Political Use of Force.
  • Jonathan Keller and Dennis Foster
  • October 2012: Political Psychology 33, 5: 581-598
Political Leadership in Times of Crisis: Comparing Leader Responses to Financial Turbulence
  • Boin, A., 't Hart, P., Van Esch, F.A.W.J.
  • July 2012: Helms, L. (ed.), Comparative Political Leadership (Palgrave Macmillan), Basingstoke.
Measuring and Identifying Culture
  • Michael D Young
  • Advances in Design for Cross-Cultural Activities Part I, 381. CRC Press. 2012
Tansu Çiller's Leadership Traits and Foreign Policy
  • Baris Kesgin
  • 2012: Perceptions, 17, 3: 29-50
The Relationship Between Rhetoric and Terrorist Violence
  • Lucian Gideon Conway III & Kathrene R. Conway
  • November 2011: Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward terrorism and genocide Volume 4, Issue 2, Special Issue: The Relationship between Rhetoric and Terrorist Violence
A Face Only an Investor Could Love CEOs’ Facial Structure Predicts Their Firms’ Financial Performance.
  • Wong, E. M., Ormiston, M. E., & Haselhuhn, M. P.
  • October 2011: Psychological science, 22(12), 1478-1483.
German Decision Makers’ Beliefs and the Budgetary Deficit Crisis A Cognitive Mapping Study on Learning from Crisis Experience.
  • Jochum Beetsma
Rallies and the ‘First Image’: Leadership Psychology, Scapegoating Proclivity, and the Diversionary Use of Force.
  • Dennis Foster and Jonathan Keller
  • November 2010: Conflict Management and Peace Science 27: 417-441
Groupthink vs. High-Quality Decision Making in International Relations
  • Mark Schafer & Scott Crichlow
  • Columbia University Press, 2010
"Stuff Happens": Donald Rumsfeld and the Iraq War
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • October 2009: in Foreign Policy Analysis
When Public Statements Reveal Private Beliefs: Assessing Operational Codes at a Distance
  • Johnathan Renshon
  • August 2009: Political Psychology Volume 30, Issue 4, pages 649–661
The Conceptual Complexity of Central Bankers and the Asian Financial Crisis
  • Cameron G. Thies
  • June 2009: in Political Psychology
The Content and Intersection of Identity in Iraq
  • Robalyn Stone and Michael D. Young
  • Published: April 2009 in 'Measuring Identity - A Guide for Social Scientists'
Cognitive Style and Foreign Policy: Margaret Thatcher's Black-and-White Thinking
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • Published: January 2009 in International Political Science Review
Where is Strategic Culture to Be Found? The Case of China
  • Valerie M. Hudson
  • Published: December 2008 in International Studies Review
U.S. Policy Toward Israel, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia: An Integrated Analysis, 1981-2004
  • Rachel Bzostek and Samuel B. Robison
  • Published: November 2008 in International Studies Perspectives
Stability and Change in Belief Systems
  • Jonathan Renshon
  • Published: December 2008 in Journal of Conflict Resolution
Text Annotation and the Cognitive Architecture of Political Leaders: British Prime Ministers from 1945-2008
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • Published: July 2008 in Journal of Information Technology & Politics
From Violent Words to Violent Deeds: Assessing Risk from FBI Threatening Communication Cases
  • Sharon S. Smith
  • Published: May 2008 in Stalking, Threatening, and Attacking Public Figures: A Psychological and Behavioral Analysis
On Financial Social Responsibility - Symposium Presentation
  • Julia M. Puaschunder
  • April 2008 Syracuse University's 17th Symposium on Development and Social Transformation
Fear of Heights: Foreign Policy Decision-Making in the Israeli-Syrian Conflict, 1988-2001
  • Robert Astroff
  • Published: 2008 Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto
Risk Assessment of Threatening Communications from FBI Case Files Using Gottschalk-Gleser Content Analysis Scales
  • Sharon S. Smith
  • Published: 2008 in 'Computerized Content Analysis of Speech and Verbal Texts and its Many Applications'
When Leaders Learn and When They Don't: Mikhail Gorbachev and Kim Il Sung at the End of the Cold War
  • Akan Malici
  • Published: 2008 SUNY Press
Terrorism’s Operational Code: An Examination Of The Belief Systems Of Al–Qaeda And Hamas
  • Peter Michael Picucci
  • Thesis submitted to the Department of Political Science and the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Kansas In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Stephan Harper, Canadian: A Personality at a Distance Profile of Stephen Harper
  • Neal Carter
  • Inroads: The Journal of Canadian Opinion. 23 (Summer/Fall): 26-29
Alliances, Domestic Politics and Leader Psychology: Why Did Britian Stay Out of Vietnam and Go into Iraq?
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • Published: December 2007 in Political Psychology
The Role of Tony Blair's Belief System in Great Britian's Decision to Support the War in Iraq
  • Hanneke Derksen
  • Published: 2007 Master's Thesis, University of Wyoming
Chinese Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Confucianism, Leadership and War
  • Huiyun Feng
  • Published: May 2007 Routledge
Leadership Style and International Norm Violation: the Case of the Iraq War.
  • Vaughn P. Shannon and Jonathan W. Keller
  • Foreign Policy Analysis 3, 1: 79-104
Operational Code Analysis At A Distance: The Verbs In Context System of Content Analysis
  • Mark Schafer and Stephen G. Walker
  • Published: September 2006 Palgrave Macmillin in 'Beliefs and Leadership in World Politics', Mark Schafer and Stephen G. Walker, Editors
Links Among Beliefs and Personality Traits: The Distinctive Language of Terrorists
  • Elena Lazarevska, Jayne M. Sholl and Michael D. Young
  • Published: September 2006 Palgrave Macmillin in 'Beliefs and Leadership in World Politics', Mark Schafer and Stephen G. Walker, Editors
Economic Sanctions and Operational Code Analysis: Beliefs and the Use of Economic Coercion
  • A. Cooper Drury
  • Published: September 2006 Palgrave Macmillin in 'Beliefs and Leadership in World Politics', Mark Schafer and Stephen G. Walker, Editors
Bankers and Beliefs: The Political Psychology of the Asian Financial Crisis
  • Cameron G. Thies
  • Published: September 2006 Palgrave Macmillin in 'Beliefs and Leadership in World Politics', Mark Schafer and Stephen G. Walker, Editors
Personality and Foreign Policy: Tony Blair's Iraq Decisions
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • Published: July 2006 in Foreign Policy Analysis
RcaDF: Towards a Relational Content Analysis Standard
  • Wouter van Atteveldt, Jan Kleinnijenhuis, and Kathleen Carley
  • Presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, 19-23 June 2006 Dresden.
Operational Codes and the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland: A Test of the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
  • Mark Schafer, Samuel B. Robison and Bradley Aldrich
  • Published: January 2006 in Foreign Policy Analysis
The Influence of Presidential Operational Code Beliefs on U.S. Foreign Policy Actions in the Middle East
  • Samuel B. Robison
  • Published: 2005 Master's Thesis, Louisiana State University
When Will They Ever Learn? An Examination Of Fidel Castro And Kim Jong-Il’s Operational Code Beliefs
  • Akan Malici & Johnna Malici
  • Psicología Política, Nº 31, 2005, 7-2
The Operational Code of Mao Zedong: Defensive or Offensive Realist?
  • Huiyun Feng
  • Published: July 2005 in Security Studies
The Operational Codes of Fidel Castro and Kim Il Sung: The Last Cold Warriors?
  • Akan Malici and Johnna Malici
  • Published: June 2005 in Political Psychology
The Distinctive Language of Terrorists – Conference Paper
  • Elena Lazarevska, Jayne M. Sholl, and Michael D. Young
  • March 2005 presentation at the 46th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association Honolulu HI
Prime Minister and Core Executive in British Foreign Policy: Process, Outcome and Quality of Decision
  • Stephen Benedict Dyson
  • Published: 2004 Ph.D. Dissertation, Washington State University
Individuals, Institutions, and Inflation: Conceptual Complexity, Central Bank Independence, and the Asian Crisis
  • Cameron G. Thies
  • Published: September 2004 in International Studies Quarterly
The Operational Code of Nikita Khrushchev Before and After the Cuban Missle Crisis
  • Michelle Keck
  • Published: 2003 Master's Thesis, Midwestern State University
State, Trait or Design? A Critical Examination of Assumptions Underlying Remote Assessment
  • Sarkis Armen Mahdasian
  • Published: 2002 Ph.D. Dissertation, Washington State University
The Role of Personal Characteristics in International Mediations
  • Joshua Paul Galliano
  • Published: 2002 Master's Thesis, Louisiana State University
Civil-Military Relations and Strategy: Theory and Evidence
  • Jon A. Kimminau, Lt Col, USAF
  • Published: 2001 Ph.D. Dissertation, The Ohio State University
The Conceptual Complexity of Presidents Carter and Clinton: An Automated Content Analysis of Temporal Stability and Source Bias
  • Brian Dille and Michael D. Young
  • Published: September 2000 in Political Psychology
Assessing Leadership Style: A Trait Analysis
  • Margaret G. Hermann
  • Published: November 1999 for Social Science Automation, Inc.