Title | Description | English | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian |
Common natural language processing functions
Various common functions, such as tokenization, sentence/paragraph boundaries, lemmatization, part of speech tagging etc.
Time and Space
Identification and/or extraction of date and location references.
Risk Propensity and Risk Tolerance
Coding schemes for five variables that have an empirical relationship with current and future risk propensity and risk tolerance: Sense of Urgency, Victimization, Characterization of Others, Perception of the Status Quo, Options, and Efficacy.
Behavior and Events from News
Behavior and Events from News
Coding scheme used to extract event data on who did what, to whom, where, and when. BEN event categories.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This coding scheme is used for thoughthelper.com and identifies: can't-ing, labeling, awfulizing, crazy words, bademotion, overgeneralization, overgeneralized emphasis, shoulding, fortunetelling, mindreading, harm indicated, condemnation indicated (condemnor, condemnation, condemnee), desire, goals, emoreasoning, and hedging.
Text Mapping
Coding scheme used to extract propositions from text and generate cognitive map data for use with WorldView. The coding scheme retains the semantic content and lexical variety of the original text, including causal, temporal, and spatial propositions. In addition, the coding scheme identifies particular propositions, such as goals and strategies, in a uniform manner.
Leadership Trait Analysis
Coding schemes for Leadership Trait Analysis, Margaret G. Hermann's seven traits used in the assessment of leadership style: belief in ability to control events, need for power, conceptual complexity, self-confidence, task orientation, distrust, and in-group bias.
Spanish language coding schemes are provided courtesy of M. Consuelo Thiers.
Unless otherwise requested, the LTA Classic coding scheme will be provided. This is the reference version for most academic research.
Operational Code Analysis
Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer, and Michael D. Young's Verbs in Context System for Operational Code analysis. This coding scheme is used to code the direction (self or other) and intensity (-3 to +3)of transitive verbs. Various indexes can then be constructed from this data.
Image Theory
Coding schemes for Martha Cottam's Image Theory indicators: Capability, Intention, Cultural Sophistication, Decision-Making, and Will.
Coding schemes for David C. McClellland and David G. Winter's Need for Power, Need for Achievement, and Need for Affiliation.
Conceptual/Integrative Complexity
Peter Suedfeld's Integrative Complexity (IC) is "a measure of the intellectual style used by individuals or groups in processing information, problem solving, and decision making. Complexity looks at the structure of one's thoughts, while ignoring the contents".
This coding scheme, Conceptual/Integrative Complexity (CIC), is not an implementation of the rules in Dr. Suedfeld's scoring manual . CIC attempts to approximate Suedfeld's IC scores, using a lexicon of weighted "content flags" described in the IC coding manual along with contextual rules to determine a paragraph score.
Verbal Behavior Analysis
Verbal Behavior Analysis: 10 of Walter Weintraub's clinical indicators associated with the personality traits:
Decisiveness, Anxious disposition, Impulsivity, Moodiness, Angry disposition, Emotional control, Stubbornness, Controlling behavior, Histronic behavior, Passivity, Domineering behavior, Creativity, Familiar behavior, Resilience, and Response to stress.
Persuasion Strategies
Andrea K. Grove's Persuasion Strategies: Ingroup, Justice Governance, and Outgroup
Manifesto Project
Manifesto Project
A prototype coding scheme for quantitative content analysis of party manifestos across 7 domains: external relations, freedom and democracy, political system, economy, welfare and quality of life, fabric of society, and social groups. The scheme uses lexicons and grammatical structure to assign position codes.
Largely lexical
Mostly unrelated coding schemes that assign lexical items (literal words or phrases) to one or more categories.